The Cherry Bombs
Get ready to unleash your inner 80s acionado with the Cherry Bombs! This explosive tribute
band is here to take you on a me-traveling journey back to the neon-soaked era of big hair,
shoulder pads, and leg warmers. Whether you're looking to dance, sing along, or simply bask in
the nostalgic glow of the 80s, the Cherry Bombs are the band to see.
Formed in 2022, the Cherry Bombs were brought together a*er their fateful encounter at the
annual Ba+le of the Fantasy Girl Bands held at the iconic Stephen Talkhouse. Their shared love
for the music of the 80s and their electrifying performances catapulted them into the spotlight,
capturing the hearts of audiences far and wide.
Yuka Silvera, the grooving bassist, lays down the funky foundaon that will keep your feet
moving all night long. An excing new addion to the band is the dynamic mul-sensory solo
performer, Mila Tina on drums who will blow your mind.
Leading the charge is the charismac Lola Lama, whose capvang vocals can e1ortlessly
transport you from power ballads to high-energy anthems. Adding a touch of je ne sais quoi is
Nika Nesgoda, the band's cellist, whose strings soar through the mix, weaving a unique tapestry
of sound. Vanessa Lynah’s sultry vocals adds the perfect touch.
But the Cherry Bombs' explosive performances wouldn't be complete without their special
guest performer, the mul-musician, Christopher Walsh who ignites the stage with his
scorching guitar ri1s, the young talented pianist Ma+hew Brand on keyboards.
Dust o1 your mixtapes, dig out your casse+e player, and get ready to be transported back to a
me when MTV ruled the airwaves and the 80s were in full swing. The Cherry Bombs are here
to take you on a musical journey through the greatest hits of the decade, ensuring a night of
unforge+able fun and infecous nostalgia. Get ready to rock out with the Cherry Bombs and
experience the neon glow of shoulder pads, spandex, and S1 Stu1 like never before!
The Cherry Bombs
Mila Tina on Drums, Yuka Silvera on Bass/Backup Vocals, Nika Nesgoda on Cello, Lola Lama
Lead Vocals, Vanessa Lynah Lead Vocals, Mary Goebel on Keyboards
Follow Us: CherryBombsMusic